
HCG(HSG) to YUV(EBU) Converter - Color Space Converter

HCG(HSG) color space introduction

Also known as the HCG(HSG) color space.There are 3 channels in total, hue,range from 0 to 360.chroma,range from 0 to 100.gray,range from 0 to 100.
The HCG color space incorporates elements from the HSL/HSV color models and provides a direct path to grayscale, addressing the issue of maintaining hue and saturation as colors fade to white or black.
Known as the HCG color space.
Colors are represented by hue (H), chroma (C), and gray (G), allowing for a transition to gray scale as the chroma decreases and the gray increases, enabling the color to fade without losing its hue.
The HCG color space is often used in applications such as data visualization where colors may need to be muted or made pastel while still retaining their color identity.
HCG combines the hue and saturation control of HSL/HSV with the concept of gray scale to provide a more flexible way of color fading.

YUV(EBU) color space introduction

Also known as the YUV(EBU) color space.There are 3 channels in total,Y,range from 0 to 1.U,range from -0.5 to 0.5.V,range from -0.5 to 0.5.
Origin: The YUV color space was designed for analog video signal transmission, separating luminance information (Y) from chrominance information (U and V) to improve the efficiency of color transmission and ensure compatibility with black and white television.
Primary Names: YUV color space, where 'Y' represents the luminance component, and 'U' and 'V' represent the chrominance components, describing the difference in color from a reference white.
Typically expressed as a triplet, for example: YUV(0.5, -0.33, 0.25) represents a color with specific luminance and chrominance.
Usage Scope: Mainly used in analog video transmission and compression. In modern applications, YUV is common in digital video encoding and broadcasting, video editing software, and image processing.
Additionally, the YUV format is very effective in color processing to reduce bandwidth requirements because it allows the resolution of chrominance components to be reduced during transmission rather than luminance components, taking advantage of the human eye's greater sensitivity to luminance over chrominance changes.

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