HSV(HSB) to OKHSV Converter - Color Space Converter
HSV(HSB) color space introduction
Also known as the HSV(HSB) color space.There are 3 channels in total, hue,range from 0 to 360.saturation,range from 0 to 100.value,range from 0 to 100.
Origin: The HSV color space was invented in the 1970s with the goal of combining an intuitive understanding of color with the needs of digital color processing.
Main Names: HSV or HSB (where B stands for Brightness), which includes three color channels H (Hue), S (Saturation), and V (Value/Brightness).
Typically expressed as a triplet, for example: hsv(120, 100%, 100%) represents a pure green color with maximum saturation and brightness.
Usage: Used in color detection and segmentation in image analysis and processing, color selection and adjustment in graphic design software, and in color pickers in user interface design.
Additionally, HSV can be algorithmically converted to and from RGB. The HSV model is highly intuitive for color adjustments, allowing users to independently alter the perceptual attributes of color. HSV is similar to HSL, but HSV's Value (V) takes into account the effects of hue and saturation, while HSL's Lightness (L) represents the midpoint between pure black and pure white.
OKHSV color space introduction
Also known as the OKHSV color space.There are 3 channels in total,H,range from 0 to 360.S,range from 0 to 1.V,range from 0 to 1.
OKHSV is a color space designed by Björn Ottosson, derived from the OKLab color space. Like OKHSL, OKHSV is an adaptation of the traditional HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) model, aiming to offer a more perceptually uniform approach to color representation than the standard HSV model.
OKHSV color space.
In the OKHSV color space, colors are represented by Hue (H), Saturation (S), and Value (V), aligning more closely with human color perception and making color adjustments more consistent and intuitive.
OKHSV is primarily used in applications requiring perceptual uniformity and intuitive color adjustments, such as image processing and user interface design.
Due to its perceptual uniformity, OKHSV is more intuitive and consistent for color adjustments, particularly suited for graphic design and user interface layouts.
You might also want to convert HSV color space to these formats:
HSV to HEX converterHSV to RGB(sRGB) converterHSV to CMYK converterHSV to CMY converterHSV to XYZ(ciexyz,cie1931,XYZ D65) converterHSV to HSL converterHSV to HSI converterHSV to HWB converterHSV to xyY(Yxy,yxy) converterHSV to YIQ converterHSV to YUV(EBU) converterHSV to YDbDr converterHSV to YCgCo converterHSV to YPbPr(Y/PB/PR,YPRPB,PRPBY,PBPRY,Y/Pb/Pr,YPrPb,PrPbY,PbPrY,Y/R-Y/B-Y,Y(R-Y)(B-Y),R-Y,B-Y) converterHSV to YCbCr(YCC) converterHSV to xvYCC converterHSV to YcCbcCrc converterHSV to UCS(cie1960) converterHSV to UVW(cieuvw,cie1964) converterHSV to JPEG converterHSV to LAB(cielab) converterHSV to LABh(hunter-lab,hlab) converterHSV to lms converterHSV to LCHab(cielch,LCH,HLC,LSH) converterHSV to LUV(cieluv,cie1976) converterHSV to LCHuv(cielchuv) converterHSV to HSLuv(HuSL) converterHSV to HPLuv(HuSLp) converterHSV to Coloroid(ATV) converterHSV to HCG(HSG) converterHSV to HCY converterHSV to TSL converterHSV to yes converterHSV to OSA-UCS converterHSV to HSP converterHSV to Adobe® 98 RGB compatible converterHSV to Linear Adobe® 98 RGB compatible converterHSV to ACEScc converterHSV to ACEScg converterHSV to ICTCP converterHSV to JzCzHz converterHSV to Jzazbz converterHSV to LCH converterHSV to Lab D65 converterHSV to Oklch converterHSV to Oklab converterHSV to P3 converterHSV to Linear P3 converterHSV to ProPhoto RGB converterHSV to Linear ProPhoto RGB converterHSV to REC.2020 converterHSV to Linear REC.2020 converterHSV to REC.2100-HLG converterHSV to REC.2100-PQ converterHSV to Absolute XYZ D65 converterHSV to XYZ D50 converterHSV to Linear sRGB converterHSV to DLCH(DIN99 LCH) converterHSV to DIN99 Lab(DLAB) converterHSV to OKHSL converterHSV to XYB converterHSV to CubeHelix converter