Lab D65 to HSP Converter - Color Space Converter
Lab D65 color space introduction
Also known as the Lab D65 color space.There are 3 channels in total, L,range from 0 to 100.a,range from -125 to 125.b,range from -125 to 125.
Lab-D65 is a specific instance of the CIELAB color space that uses the D65 illuminant as its reference white point.
Lab-D65 color space.
In the Lab-D65 color space, colors are represented by Lightness (L*), a* (green-red chroma component), and b* (blue-yellow chroma component), with reference to the D65 illuminant.
Lab-D65 is commonly used in color-related applications that require a daylight reference, such as image processing, printing, and photography.
The Lab-D65 color space is widely used to ensure consistency and accuracy of colors across different devices and lighting conditions.
HSP color space introduction
Also known as the HSP color space.There are 3 channels in total,hue,range from 0 to 360.saturation,range from 0 to 100.perceived_brightness,range from 0 to 255.
The HSP color space is designed to represent the perceived brightness of colors more accurately than traditional RGB or HSL color models, taking into account the nonlinear sensitivity of human eyes to different color wavelengths.
HSP color space.
In the HSP color space, colors are expressed through Hue (H), Saturation (S), and Perceived brightness (P), where perceived brightness is calculated using specific weights for the RGB channels that mimic the human eye's response to red, green, and blue.
The HSP color space is commonly used in applications that require an accurate reflection of color brightness perception, such as image processing and user interface design.
The HSP color space can provide a brightness representation that is closer to human visual perception, especially when adjusting the lightness and darkness of colors.
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