Linear ProPhoto RGB to XYZ(ciexyz,cie1931,XYZ D65) Converter - Color Space Converter
Linear ProPhoto RGB color space introduction
Also known as the Linear ProPhoto RGB color space.There are 3 channels in total, Red,range from 0 to 1.Green,range from 0 to 1.Blue,range from 0 to 1.
Linear ProPhoto RGB is a variant of the ProPhoto RGB color space, where the nonlinear gamma curve typically applied in ProPhoto RGB is removed.
Linear ProPhoto RGB or ProPhoto RGB Linear.
In Linear ProPhoto RGB color space, colors are represented through Red (R), Green (G), and Blue (B) channels without gamma correction.
Linear ProPhoto RGB is primarily used in image processing tasks that require linear calculations, such as image compositing and high dynamic range imaging.
Due to its provision of direct linear light values, Linear ProPhoto RGB is particularly suited for advanced image editing tasks that require precise color control and extended dynamic range.
XYZ(ciexyz,cie1931,XYZ D65) color space introduction
Also known as the XYZ(ciexyz,cie1931,XYZ D65) color space.There are 3 channels in total,X,range from 0 to 95.045592705167.Y,range from 0 to 100.Z,range from 0 to 108.9057750759878.
Origin: The XYZ color space was defined in 1931 by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) based on the visual experiments conducted on a large number of observers.
Main Name: CIE 1931 XYZ color space, comprising the X, Y, Z color channels.
Usage: The XYZ color space is primarily used for color measurement, color science, and color conversions. It provides a neutral, device-independent reference for other color spaces, often serving as an intermediate color space for conversions.
Additionally, it's worth noting that the XYZ color space is frequently used as an intermediate step for converting from one device-dependent color space (like sRGB or Adobe RGB) to another. It is closely related to the Lab color space, where XYZ can be converted to Lab, offering a more uniform space for color comparisons and difference measurements.
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