
HSLuv(HuSL) to yes Converter - Color Space Converter

HSLuv(HuSL) color space introduction

Also known as the HSLuv(HuSL) color space.There are 3 channels in total, hue,range from 0 to 360.saturation,range from 0 to 100.lightness,range from 0 to 100.
HSLuv is a human-friendly alternative to the CIELUV color space, designed to provide a more perceptually uniform color mapping while retaining the convenience of the HSL representation.
Known as the HSLuv color space.
Colors are represented by three parameters: hue (H), saturation (S), and lightness (L), attempting to maintain perceptual uniformity of saturation across the hue circle.
HSLuv is commonly used in fields requiring intuitive color selection and perceptual uniformity, such as user interface design and artistic creation.
HSLuv adjusts the hue circle of HSL to achieve the goal of maintaining color perceptual uniformity across different levels of lightness.

yes color space introduction

Also known as the yes color space.There are 3 channels in total,luminance,range from 0 to 1.e-factor,range from 0 to 1.s-factor,range from 0 to 1.
The Yes color space is a transformation of the XYZ color space designed to separate luminance information (Y) from the color information (E and S).
Yes color space.
In the Yes color space, colors are expressed through luminance (Y) and two color information channels (E and S), simplifying the representation of colors.
This color space is often used in image processing tasks where separation of luminance and chroma information is needed, such as image segmentation and feature extraction.
With its simplified representation, the Yes color space can offer intuitive color information for specific image processing applications like image enhancement and color feature analysis.

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