
LCHab(cielch,LCH,HLC,LSH) to UCS(cie1960) Converter - Color Space Converter

LCHab(cielch,LCH,HLC,LSH) color space introduction

Also known as the LCHab(cielch,LCH,HLC,LSH) color space.There are 3 channels in total, lightness,range from 0 to 100.chroma,range from 0 to 100.hue,range from 0 to 360.
Derived from the CIELAB color space, it represents colors in a cylindrical coordinate system.
Commonly known as CIELCH or LCH, also referred to as LCH_ab.
Colors in the LCH color space are expressed using lightness (L*), chroma (C*), and hue angle (H°), providing a more intuitive way of specifying colors compared to the Cartesian coordinates used in CIELAB.
The LCH color space is extensively used in industries and applications where accurate color differentiation is crucial, such as graphic design, printing, and paint manufacturing.
The LCH color space can be more convenient for understanding color relationships and specifying colors in a more perceptual manner.

UCS(cie1960) color space introduction

Also known as the UCS(cie1960) color space.There are 3 channels in total,U,range from 0 to 100.V,range from 0 to 100.W,range from 0 to 100.
Developed by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) in 1960, it was intended to provide a uniform color scale that would more closely align with human vision.
The primary name is CIE 1960 UCS (Uniform Color Scale). It is also referred to as the CIE 1960 (u, v) chromaticity space.
Colors in the CIE 1960 UCS are expressed in terms of chromaticity coordinates 'u' and 'v' derived from the CIE XYZ color space, with the addition of a 'W' coordinate representing the luminance factor.
The CIE 1960 UCS is used for applications where a more perceptually linear color space is useful. It's often used in color research and for specifying the colors of light sources and illuminants.
The CIE 1960 UCS is an intermediate step towards the development of subsequent color spaces that are more perceptually uniform, such as CIELUV and CIELAB.

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